Suggestions for new logo design. Comments?


This page is for comparing events manager plugins, among other things. Please list essential / desirable features here
(not in any order):

  1. Easy to read grid view on a mobile screen. Sideways scrolling as well as vertical.
  2. No need to log in to submit events
  3. Simple, user friendly submission form that also works on a mobile screen.
  4. Responsive
  5. Possible to enter recurring events; the more flexibility the better.
  6. Moderation (is this a feature of the plugin or the wp site?)
  7. Easy to get rid of past events, along with their images.
  8. Spambot proof?
  9. Established design co that can keep up product support
  10. Somewhere on the submission form to insert tags (the current plugin doesn’t seem to have this feature — 2 November 2019 Adam).