Writing & Contributing
Behind the Scenes
Is volunteering for Virtual Lancaster time-consuming?
Writing & Contributing
Please contribute your news, reviews & events to the Virtual-Lancaster website. Regular contributers can have their login permissions upgraded so that they can publish directly on Virtual-Lancaster without needing to wait for moderation.
We always need people to write reviews of local arts events. Most local arts venues will provide free tickets to accredited VL reviewers by prior arrangement.
Behind the Scenes
We always need volunteers to help behind the scenes, such as with:
- Moderating and editing submitted content
- SEO stuff
- WordPress site configuration
- Short-term projects, such as one-off technical jobs, research on a particular issue or checking a section of listings for their up-to-dateness.
- Research for stories and features
- Improvements you’d like to bring in
- Ideas for monetisation / sustainability in keeping with a community website ethos
At the moment we particularly need somebody who’s knowledgeable about local sport and would like to contribute news items, match reports, event listings, or anything else about sport in the Lancaster area.
Is volunteering for Virtual Lancaster time-consuming?
It’s exactly as big or as small a job as you choose to make it. Whether you want to put in ten hours a week or ten minutes a month (or any other amount of time), your contribution will be very welcome. If you want to do more when you can spare the time, then do less (or take a break from VL) when you’re busy, that’s fine.
If you think you can help in any of these areas, and would like to find out more, please email ed@virtual-lancaster.net.
Although the site is maintained by unpaid volunteers and receives no grants or funding (it’s an independence thing), it still costs money to run.
You can help with this by making a donation to our PayPal account.